Fixed-term tenancy – news and analysis


Text: Supplementary guide: Domestic violence and renting

Domestic violence and renting: Supplementary Guide

Everyone deserves a safe home. Tenancy law can help victim-survivors of domestic violence in a number of ways. This Supplementary Guide provides additional information further to our Domestic…
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Briefing: Ipsos Public Affairs Polling Research – Reasonable Grounds Reform

New polling, undertaken by Ipsos Public Affairs for the Tenants’ Union of NSW, shows significant support from landlords for the reforms. The research also shows the community expects reforms…
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Person riding a bike past a poster with the words 'time to end no grounds evictions'

Time to end the trauma of no grounds evictions

Renters asked to leave their home for no reason tell us the impact of these evictions is severe. Responses from renter to our our recent survey make it clear that having the rug of relative…
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Roaches in your rental – to leave or not to leave

No-one should have to live with roaches! They are gross. But hating roaches and the existence of roaches in the property might not be a good enough legal reason to end a tenancy without having…
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New Renters Kit cover showing people in front of a 'leased' sign

New Renters Kit

Renting can be tricky to navigate, especially if you are new to renting in New South Wales or haven’t rented for a while. The Tenants’ Union of NSW has made this kit to help renters put the…
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woman hanging a sign saying 'home sweet home'

National 9 Principles for Strengthening Renters' Rights

The National Association of Renters' Organisations has just released a new report, The National Nine: Principles for Strengthening Renters' Rights. The Principles are: Stability,…
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Speak up now to improve rental laws

Renters, have your say!

The NSW Government has now opened a consultation on Improving NSW renting laws. Now’s your chance to have your say on the changes needed to make renting fair!
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Make Renting Fair supporters at Westmead Assembly

A huge win for NSW renters

Today the NSW Liberals and Nationals joined NSW Labor and the NSW Greens and committed to ending 'no grounds' evictions for periodic (or rolling) tenancies. This means we really have a…
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'Putting Renters on the Map' with a map of NSW and photos of renters

Putting Renters on the Map

We are in the midst of a rental crisis. Renters are struggling to cope with soaring rents, lack of homes, massive energy bills, and the threat of eviction. That’s why the Tenants’ Union and the…
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Tips: Negotiating with the landlord

This infosheet has tips to help if you need to negotiate with a landlord or real estate agent. We all negotiate at times, but it can be challenging to negotiate with a landlord. Tenants are…
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Key and podcast wave


Listen now! Renting Bytes and Renting Matters are podcasts produced by the Tenants’ Union of NSW and Legal Aid NSW. We aim to help renters and community workers understand tenancy law and…
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rain cloud

Legal help for flood-affected communities

Our thoughts go out to the people, families and communities impacted by the flooding, storms, and dangerous rainfall across the state. Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services and Community Legal…
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End no grounds


Renting Increase Negotiation Kit


Renting Bytes podcast