What we do

    Informing and educating renters

    The Tenants’ Union of NSW provides high quality legal advice, assistance, and information to renters, land lease community residents, Tenant Advocates, and community workers. We do this both through direct advice and through high-quality, accurate and accessible published resources.

    Advocating for change

    We are working to make sure renters have more stable, liveable and affordable homes. Our policy and campaigns work aims to reform the laws and policies that affect tenants. We produce high quality reports, submissions and research grounded in renters' experiences. We frequently comment on housing matters in the media, and for government and non-government organisations. We are widely recognised as the leading voice on tenants issues in NSW.

    Supporting Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services

    The Tenants' Union is the main resourcing body for the NSW network of Tenants Advice and Advocacy Services (TAASs). There are 15 generalist TAAS and 4 specialist TAAS for Aboriginal tenants. Each is run by a local non-government organisation. They are funded by NSW Fair Trading under the Tenants Advice and Advocacy Program, which uses money from the Rental Bond Board Interest Account and the Property Services Statutory Interest Account.

    The Tenants' Union supports and resources the TAASs through:

    • Back up legal advice, research and resources
    • Training in tenancy and consumer law, advocacy, negotiation skills, community education and the Aboriginal and social housing systems
    • IT management, database administration, website and intranet development
    • Publications for tenants on their rights and obligations 

    Strategic litigation

    The Tenants' Union conducts strategic litigation to advance the interests of renters. We run test cases in courts and the Tribunal to clarify renters’ legal rights and ensure that landlords and their agents keep to the law.

    Training Tenant Advocates and community organisations

    Since our formation the Tenants' Union has been active in providing community education and training to representatives of renters’ groups, social welfare agencies and government departments. We commonly provide training to over 1,000 people each year. We have a calendar of training dedicated to providing the latest knowledge and skills to Tenant Advocates working in TAASs, so they can accomplish the best outcomes for tenants as well as further their professional development.

    group of Tenants' Union staff
    Tenants' Union staff in 2022.


    See also: