Rent Increase Negotiation Kit

rent increase negotiation kit graphic with money and a mobile phone


Many renters are already doing it tough, and getting a rent increase adds to the burden.

If you want to negotiate with the landlord/agent, these tools can help...


factsheet graphic

Rent Increases factsheet
The legal rules about rent increases.


lighbulb graphic

Tips: Negotiating with the landlord 
14 tips to use in a negotiation.


podcast graphic

Podcast: Negotiation for renters
How to prepare, what to expect, and ways to go about negotiating.


letter graphic

Letter Generator


The Letter Generator tool below will check rents in your area and create a personalised letter and data summary for your postcode and residence. You can use this in your negotiations or as supporting evidence at the Tribunal. 

Start by putting in your postcode and other details.

Please note: This tool may work better on a desktop than a mobile. While you can use it to check, we ask that you do not print from the mobile version as it will not appear as intended.



The letter generator tool may take a few moments to load. If you have trouble using it, try using it in tableau.

For best results, please use this tool on a desktop, using Chrome or Safari, rather than a mobile.


Instructions for downloading your letter


1. Put in your postcode and details above, then tap Generate Letter.

Generate Letter button

2. In the box that pops up above, tap the drop-down arrow under 'Include', and select 'Specific sheets from this workbook.'

Include specific sheets drop down menu


3. Select the 'Letter' and 'Data' sheets.

Select the letter and data sheets tabs

4. Tap Download.

Download button



More information

You may also find these other sample letters useful:

If you have feedback on the Rent Increase Negotiation Kit, or need help generating your letter, we welcome you to contact the Tenants’ Union.

If you need tenancy advice, please contact your local Tenants Advice and Advocacy Service.

Remember that negotiation comes with risks

The landlord may decide they want to end your tenancy agreement, however there are rules around how and when they can end the agreement. See Factsheet: Landlord ends agreement. The NSW Civil & Administrative Tribunal (NCAT) is an independent body which deals with certain kinds of disputes between landlords and tenants. You may wish to apply to the Tribunal. See Factsheet: NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Rent Tracker Research Project

The Rent Increase Negotiation Kit and Rent Tracker are projects of the Tenants’ Union of NSW, using data published by NSW Fair Trading. Updates are monthly or as often as the data is made available from Fair Trading.

For more parts of the Rent Tracker project, see:



Rent Tracker Postcode Tool
Rent data by postcode. Useful for comparing rents in different areas, or if you're moving to a new area.


Rent Tracker Research Project
Further analysis of rents and bonds.


If you love the Rent Tracker project, please consider making a donation to the work of the Tenants’ Union.


This resource is intended as a guide to the law and should not be used as a substitute for legal advice. It applies to people who live in or are affected by the law as it applies in New South Wales, Australia. ©Tenants’ Union NSW