Rent reduction

You can use this sample letter when you want to request a rent reduction due to loss of amenity. 

See also our Rent Increase Negotiation Kit for resources to help you negotiate, and generate a personalised letter and data summary for your postcode and residence.

rent increase negotiation kit graphic with money and a mobile phone

Copy and paste the template letter below or download a copy from the link above. Remember to substitute your details for the details contained in [square brackets].


[Address of premises]

[Address of landlord]

Rent reduction

Dear  [landlord]

Under the Residential Tenancies Act 2010, rent reduction is available where a landlord withdraws amenity of the rented premises.

You have withdrawn amenity of the above premises by:
[- failure to repair ...]
[- other]

I propose a rent reduction of [$] per week from [date] because of the withdrawal of amenity.  This reduction should continue until the situation is rectified by [...]

I need a satisfactory answer to this proposal by [date] or I will apply to the Tribunal (NCAT) for a rent reduction and other orders.

Yours sincerely

