Volunteers and members


Advice line

Our main volunteering program is our Monday Advice Line, which runs on Monday mornings and Thursday afternoons. The Advice Line is staffed by volunteers. All work is under the supervision of our Principal Solicitor, with session supervision by members of the Tenants' Union legal team. Advisers engage in giving initial advice, as well as general information and referrals. All volunteers on our Advice Line need to undertake our Tenants Advice and Advocacy training before giving advice. The course runs three times a year. You can attend sessions of the Advice Line before the training as an observer and to assist with some non-advice tasks. This can be good to determine if the Advice Line is something you are interested in. If you are interested in volunteering on the Advice Line, please email us telling us a little bit of your background including education and any other relevant experience. We don't need a full CV.

Campaign for renters' rights

The Tenants' Union and the network of Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Services (TAASs) regularly campaign for improvements in the rights of renters and for adequately funded renters' services. Check out the campaign to Make Renting Fair, and get involved!

Administrative help

From time to time we need help with doing simple office things like photocopying, mail-outs, putting together show bags for events and so on. We also sometimes need help in staffing stalls at community events. If you are interested in volunteering to help us with administrative tasks, please email us telling us a little bit about yourself and your skills and experience.


The Tenants' Union of NSW supports the National Standards for Volunteer Involvement (April 2015).

Volunteering NSW





Become a member

Have a say in the work of the Tenants' Union through participating in governance of the organisation and in policy discussions to make a positive impact on the rights of tenants.

Please note that you do NOT need to become a member to access tenancy advice. Renters can get free advice from the local Tenants' Advice and Advocacy Service. You can also support our work by making a donation.

Who can join the Tenants' Union?

The Tenants' Union is a membership-based co-operative. Membership is open to:

  • Individual tenants
  • Individuals who are not tenants but whose application is endorsed by the Tenants' Union Board
  • Tenant organisations
  • Organisations that are not tenant organisations but whose application is endorsed by the Tenants' Union Board

Landlords and real estate agents cannot be members of the Tenants' Union.

Membership is for the current financial year (1 July – 30 June).

Why Join?

You will be

  • Supporting the work of the Tenants' Union in advocating for the rights of tenants
  • Making a positive impact on public perception of renting as a housing tenure choice
  • Having a say in the work of the Tenants' Union through participating in policy discussions
  • Engaging in activities to promote the rights of tenants
  • Getting up-to-date information on tenancy and housing issues through our free e-bulletins
  • Participating in governance of the Tenants' Union through exercising your vote
  • Able to stand for the Board

How to join

To apply for membership, or renew your membership, please complete the membership form below online or download and send it with the appropriate fee to: Tenants' Union of NSW, PO Box Q961, QVB Market Street NSW 1230 or contact@tenantsunion.org.au. You may need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to view and print the form. Please return your completed form by mail or scan and email.