Transfer of tenancy document

You can use this sample document when one tenant is moving in and taking over the lease from another tenant. It requires signatures and consent from the tenant moving out, the tenant moving in, the landlord, and any other tenants who are remaining in the premises.

Copy and paste the template letter below or download a copy from the link above. Remember to substitute your details for the details contained in [square brackets].

Transfer of Tenancy

I/We (the transferor/s) hereby transfer all of my/our rights and obligations under the residential tenancy agreement as tenant/s of the premises to the transferee/s from the transfer date.

The other tenant/s consent/s to this transfer and acknowledge the transferee/s as tenant/s from the transfer date.

The landlord/s consent/s to this transfer and acknowledge/s the transferee/s as tenant/s from the transfer date.

Existing Agreement Details

Landlord/s (names/s):


Tenant/s (names/s):


Premises (address):


Total rent ($ per week):


Start date (day, month, year):


Original Term (years/months/weeks):


Transfer Details


Transfer date (day, month, year):


Transferor/s (name/s, sign and date) (outgoing tenant/s):


Transferee/s (name/s, sign and date) (incoming tenant/s):


Other tenant/s (name/s, sign and date) (other tenant/s not leaving):


Landlord/s (or agent) (name/s, sign and date):



Every one who signs this document should keep a copy

The standard terms of residential tenancy in New South Wales are implied by law. They can be viewed at: